Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Interview with King Swami

Maria Piedad was interviewed by the musician based in California, King Swami  for The Bright Seed. His work, together with JWG’s, is to create “simple, elegant and attractive music” for other artists such as choreographers, film makers, digital artists, etc. Their work is natural and strongly connected with love, peace and living harmoniously with other fellows respecting our planet Earth.

Modern times has made us live in a quick and non-stop society that, sometimes, loses connections with spirituality and nature. Modern life also makes us live in an extremely technological era, fact that is advantageous if we realize how lucky we are to be able to shorter distances and easily cross any border helped by the internet. The cyber space made this interview possible with the plus of having met such a wonderful artists living on the opposite coast of the country.

It was very interesting as an artist to recap how dance has modeling my life and career since very early stages as a child and adolescent. How ballet has brought me to very different places and societies to learn from different people, cultures and countries has been core for building my life philosophy and professional practice. Along the interview, artistic influences, experiences, mentors and masters were emerging showing to me, one more time, how lucky I am to be able to make a living with my dance, my childhood dream that became true and continue being part of me. Family, teachers, classmates, friends, students, colleagues, among others have been part of my life journey.

To have access to the full interview clicking here: Maria Piedad, Ecuador’s Shinning Light